Our Name

Sojourn means a temporary stay. We are called sojourners in the Bible because we are strangers and exiles on earth with heaven as our home (1 Peter 2.11 and Hebrews 11.10). We cannot wait to see Jesus face to face, and then we will be in a world without crying, pain, suffering, or death.

Everyone is on a journey going somewhere. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus offers us true purpose. The way up is the way down through humility, repentance, and trusting in Jesus alone as our savior (Mark 1.15, John 3).

As sojourners, we share life together in the community called the church. We break bread, pray, gather for teaching and sacraments, and serve each other. (Acts 2.42-47). Everyone is at a different place in their journey but we welcome all to begin or continue their journey of learning to follow Christ.